How to achieve a perfect garden in Autumn?

21 | 09 | 20
| Advices for you

In the history of humankind the gardens have meant power the mythical "pendants" of Babylon or Versailles (8sqkm2) are examples of this but they have also been of subsistence in the Great World Wars. However, taking care of them is always therapeutic.

In Feliu we give them a lot of importance, in fact, we market many real estate products with large community areas. These are not empty words, today we finish the recommendations for a perfect garden in any season. Here you can consult how to take care of it in: Winter, Spring and Summer

First of all you know the kid to keep the garden splendid?

They remind us in the magazine the furniture: "

Gloves: if you have rosebushes, for example, they should be very thick.

Shovels: one with a tip to make holes and a flat one to carry soil.

Pruning shears: better if they have tension control and, watch out! that they adapt to the size of your hand, basic for safe and comfortable work.

Gouge: to make holes and sow or remove weeds.

Rake: flexible, they adapt to the surface and do not damage it.

Watering elements: a hose with different water output options would be ideal, if not, a watering can and sprayer".

Now that we have everything we need, let's go to the tips for Autumn which, being the season between Summer and Winter, gives a lot of play:

1. Clean the garden or pond, if you have one, of falling leaves: the typical image of that season are those dry, brown leaves. Removing them will clear your field and prevent the grass from rotting. Moreover, we must not forget that dry leaves can block drains which will make it impossible to evacuate water in episodes of torrential rains.

2. Use the removed dry leaves to make compost: there is part of the garden necessary for your own care. By the way, here you can find out how a composter works.

3. Plant roses, trees and shrubs: with the soil still warm in the summer, autumn is the best season for planting trees. Namely, the warm temperature is like a "compost" thanks to it the roots spread fast.

4. Pulling out the weeds: two of the qualities of a gardener are observation and care in their work. As in other seasons, you have to pull out the weeds.

5. Hate fungi: total war on these predators rots the garden, that is, your work.

6. Re-sow the lawn: pay attention to the climate of the area where you live. Thus, in case of being cold it is necessary to do it finished the summer. Conversely, more heat means more time for replanting. 

7. Be gentle with the beauty of the flowering: before the winter arrives you should prune the bushes that have just flowered to protect them.

8. Prune conifers and evergreens: Just as you have done with flowering plants, don't forget to keep these trees.

9. Fertilize trees and shrubs: In step two we already talked about composting, now it's time to use the fertilizer so that everything grows strong.

10. Protect the flowers and plants that are in pots on the porch: the wind and the growing cold threaten the pot plants.

11. Protect your garden from torrential rain. To do this, put your plants under cover. There are specific plastics on the market, but you can also do it yourself. The important thing is that the plastic is well stretched, that it doesn't make bags, but that air gets in to ventilate. If you have a greenhouse, turn it into a refuge for the most fragile species.

12. Reserve some time to plant the vulvos stored in the summer: as we said before, this season, being one of transition and without extreme temperatures, is fantastic for planting new flowers like pansies. 

13. Check the correct drainage to avoid waterlogging: before starting to water, check the good condition of the containers. Specifically, is the drainage system clogged? It is very common for containers to become flooded due to slower water evaporation.

14. Space out watering: Autumn is rainy so you should not water as much as in summer. The periodicity is as follows: the lawn twice a week and the shrubs once a week.

15.  Take care of the lighting: it is time to bet on orange lights on the porch to increase the autumn romanticism.

We hope you get a beautiful garden.