You ought to have a defibrillator in your owners' community

06 | 05 | 19
| Feliu Brand

According to data by Prevent, in Spain, about 30,000 people die each year from cardio-respiratory problems, and almost 65% of those deaths are at home or near. This high percentage of deaths in or near the home is a strong argument in favour of installing a defibrillator in your owners' community. In Feliu we have installed defibrillators in two of our promotions in Barcelona (Magoria and Barcelona Port).

After the above overwhelming numbers it is time to know a bit of anatomy to understand how the heart works (or fails) and how the defibrillator does it.

When everything goes well, our heart is a muscle by contraction push the blood and returns it into the circulatory system and when it relaxes it receives the blood again in its internal chambers. Like all the muscles of the body, the heart needs a "driving force" to make contractions and this force is no other than an electric discharge in its upper part in a regular and orderly manner.

On the other hand, when something goes wrong, although the discharges follow are chaotic and irregular, this causes ventricular fibrillation. Fibrillation is potentially a deadly process. During the process there is no blood in the heart vessels and it does not reach to the brain neither blood nor oxygen.

We must act immediately and we have a maximum five minutes after the fibrillation or stop. What do we mean by 'acting'? using the defibrillator, we will proceed to make a short and strong electrical discharge that, making a simile, produces a "reset" in the electrical impulse system that, in this way, returns to restart its electrical work in a normal way .

How much can a defibrillator cost? According to Google prices range from 400 to 1,500€. It is an investment is understood when there is a heard attack or a drowning. After all, we are talking about saving lives.

You have to think that now nobody would discuss the fire extinguishers installation in the owners' communities defibrillator is as vital as a fire extiguisher.

We hope to have made you aware of the need to have a defibrillator because heart disorders are quite hazardous.