How to clean different spaces properly?

04 | 01 | 21
| Advices for you

Imagine some situations: in a few hours the first visit is coming!, you prepared a romantic dinner, you want to avoid pests or you can not find nothing in your store. In all of them to clean is the next step to take. We begin 2021 teaching how to clean every space.

1. Find out which tasks you must do before you start the cleaning:

1.1. Plan: 

What kind of space are you going to clean?

What is needed to do? To take off and wash curtains and rugs; remove furniture, clean corners, etc.

What products and means do you opt for? Our choice will always be natural ones.

What objects are suitable? wipes, cloth, vacuum cleaner mask to protect you from dust, mop, broom etc.

1.2. Get rid of the superfluous: thank to recycle, a donation or simply sell the objects or throw them away properly.

1.3. In order to avoid COVID 19: wash your hands, wear a mask and gloves. Moreover we remind you must have the windows open during all the cleaning in order to mantain oxygen levels always very high.

2. To clean any space:

2.1. Turn on the lights: you must see well.

2.2. Review windows frames and glasses: with vinegar diluted in water and a few drops of dishwasher and dry with newspaper paper. Then, after the ventilation time (20 minutes per room), leave glittering glasses with green products.

2.3. Pay attention to: handles (put oil if it is needed), knobs, door frames and taps.

2.4. Suitable ceilings, walls and baseboards: finish with dust, taking care of nooks and crannies as well. To do this, use: vacuum cleaner, duster or a brush covered with a cloth.

2.5. Treat each type of floor surface as explained in the furniture: 

'Parquet: take off your shoes and put protectors on furniture and chairs so they don't get scratched.

Porcelain: combine hot water and white vinegar to clean and disinfect. Before scrubbing, use the vacuum cleaner.

Stone: use pressurized water and rub with a brush moistened with soap and water'.

For all of them and the marble will be mopped up coming from the corners. If there are any stains, clean them with a damp cloth. If the floors are waterproofed, use the mop.

3. Polish a professional home or office:

3.1. The entrance hall and corridors: when passing through we usually forget this spaces what a mistake!. On the one hand, the foyer is your calling card and should be well lit and try to decorate it. On the other hand, the corridors should be free of obstacles, sweeping and vacuuming very often and sometimes polishing. 

3.2. The living room: clean it thoroughly by vacuuming the couches everywhere (the bottom, the back and the cushions). If they are stained, use special dry foam for stains. You can do the same with carpets, curtains and upholstery. Oh and, of course, move the furniture around if it gets direct sun. It is important that you take into account how the finish is, you will know which product to apply.

3.3. The kitchen: do you see spilled liquids? Use absorbent kitchen paper. Check your pantry and get rid of the dirt starting from the inside and then the outside. Make sure there is no food in the bottom of the refrigerator. Don't forget to clean the oven, dishwasher and stove. There is a natural mixture for the oven: lemon, vinegar and bicarbonate. The dishwasher needs slowliness. The stove and, in general, the gas cooker also need to be cleaned.

3.4. The bathroom: you must clean bathtub, toilet and sink. Special attention must be paid to cleaning it thoroughly, as it is the space for our personal hygiene. 

3.5. The bedroom: remove the mattress, vacuum the canapé or the bed base and turn it upside down. Then, wash the mattress and pillow cases to put them back clean. Once the blankets, duvets or duvet covers have been washed, put them in bags as neatly as possible. Then take the opportunity to change your wardrobe. To do this, take out all the clothes or household linen, vacuum and wipe the inside with a damp cloth and rearrange it. 

3.6. Study: cleanliness and tidiness go hand in hand. Its absence can ruin the task. However, you should also vacuum or duster the books on the shelf and ventilate daily.   

3.7. Use air freshener: pleasant fragrances are very important.

4. Clean a storage room or lumber room:

The storeroom and the study in principle are nothing alike but both lose their meaning without a scrupulous order.

4.1 Make an inventory before you start: not only that, but you must also know the logic of the chosen order, because in it, everything is subordinated to finding what you are looking for quickly (and that it can be returned to a certain place after cleaning). 

4. 2. Check, reorder, discard and clean:  everything is in its place? if not, reorder it, discard, for example, an old box or a package already opened and finally clean. The cleaning link lists all the steps to do this.

5. Turn shopping into an unforgettable experience

In your business the first thing is to create a magnificent impression.

1. Clean the windows and possible stains: they must be shiny, for this, use window cleaner and a cloth. Also remove stains inside the shop.

2. Ventilate: so that it does not smell like if it was closed and you can beat COVID-19.

3. Vacuum the dust: a dusty shelf gives a very bad impression.

4. Shining toilets: hygiene is very important, because both the shop workers and the customers should not perceive its lack.

5. Clean carpets and rugs using a vacuum cleaner. The cleaning products that we will use the most are mops, brooms and brushes.

6. Sweep the floor:  read above how to sweep according to the floor we have.

7. Empty the bins: this detail gives the impression that the buyer's visit is expected.

8. Sectorize the light: as our interior designer Pep Feliu said, the light itself and its modulation are key to illuminate what we want the customer to observe and also a source of wellbeing.

9. Choose a musical thread: you buy more with music than without it. This is called 'audio branding', i.e. adapting the music you play and its volume to the good you are selling.

10. Regulate the air conditioning or heating: the temperature must be the right one is the difference between the consumer buys or not. 

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