Eight tips for prevent conflicts between owners'

04 | 07 | 23
| Advices for you

In our blog there an articles colection devoted to aspects related to the community of owners (hereinafter OC). Almost all focused on redirecting the confrontation. Today, with the beginning of the summer, a time marked both by the owners' in the OC and by the friends and guests welcome to the OC, today,  we'll give you tools to prevent problems appearance.


Eight tips on behalf the good coexistence between the OC co-owners

Remember: only the owners have the right to vote at community meetings. Other neighbors can attend and express their points of view, but they cannot vote.


a) How to organize the meetings and make it work in favor of harmony?


1. Know as well as possible the owners whose community you will manage: although it is a gradual task, from the first meetings it is crucial to be perceptive and to intuit the character of the owners whose community you manage. As you know, experience is a degree.


2. Promote respectful and empathetic communication: The first reservoir where resentments nest is in people's feeling of not having been able to express their concerns. Therefore, it encourages community members to do so in a constructive and respectful manner, seeking, as far as possible, to put themselves in other people's shoes.


3. Organize regular meetings and use digitalization without fear: Don't quit the face-to-face meetings -  anyway at least one a year should be held - set up an online communication system to keep everyone informed and establish a quick channel to ask questions.


b) It's your turn! Good coexistence also depends on your professionalism and transparency:  


1. Establish clear rules: A good rule does not give room for second interpretations. In this sense, the rules of the COP should be your best ally. In addition, once approved in the bylaws, it has binding power.

Some examples of regulated matters are: the use of common areas, appropriate behavior or the maintenance of the PC. Communicate these rules effectively and understandably to everyone.


2. Keep transparent management: If you read us as a Real Estate agent responsible for owners' community, you will already know that, to avoid greater evils, -and to be a good professional- to maintain an impeccable and clear management, builds trust. Keep all owners informed about decisions, expenses and everything relevant and, of course, answer their questions solicitously. By the way, click on this link and find out if the owner's right to information is unlimited. 


3. Solve problems in an even-handed way: Perceptions matter as much as the resolution, therefore, you must be: impartial, diligent and fair. Listen to all parties involved and seek solutions that result in lasting compromise for both parties. If necessary, you may consider mediation or the intervention of an outside professional who, not being involved in the day-to-day running of the community, will be neutral.


4. Educate about coexistence inside community: Provide informative materials on how to resolve conflicts. In addition, it should be made clear that being an owner implies rights, but also duties towards the PC.


c) Achieving a peaceful community is a two-way job: neither as administrator nor as owner do you have absolute control over the reactions of others.... Something can always go wrong 

No, we are not negative, our responsibility is to make a sincere text. 

1. Neighborhood harassment is a possibility: Despite the above efforts, there may be people who will not tolerate a resolution contrary to their interests or who, perceive someone else's conduct - or, on the contrary, the absence of action - as a provocation and choose to engage in neighborhood harassment. Finques Feliu in 2019 explained how to deal with this unpleasant situation: click on this link.

With these eight tips you can from managing a community to understand how it is more possible that your concerns as an owner are taken into account. By the way, so as not to end up with a bad taste in your mouth, a coexistence , to some extent, idyllic is possible if everyone does their part.